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Georgetown Ministry Center Georgetown Ministry Center
June 26, 2012

In May, I briefly mentioned a proposed $7 million cut to homeless services funding. The budget season is now over, and the D.C. Council has voted.

The Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless reports that

The Council put $4 million into the tenant-based Local Rent Supplement Program in order to provide permanent affordable housing to about 250 homeless families in the District and open up much-needed space in emergency shelters to accommodate families that are currently in crisis and not able to access shelter.  The Council also delayed TANF cuts and added new exemptions to sanctions so that families who are in crisis and cannot currently obtain employment (such as families caring for a child with a disability full-time or families experiencing severe domestic violence) will not be penalized.  While the Council did not fill the $7 million gap in homeless services, it did keep this funding as the #1 priority on the Council’s “wish-list.”

We are happy to hear that the Council will keep funding for homeless servies in mind and hope the full $7 million will be restored next year.

Categories: In the Press

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