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Georgetown Ministry Center Georgetown Ministry Center
August 22, 2012

Many of us encounter the same scenery every day during our regular commute: the street team sweeping sidewalks, the throng of people crowding the metro during rush hour, the same homeless individual at the same street corner every day. That homeless person often becomes a fixture of the landscape and is sometimes acknowledged, sometimes not. Nonetheless, there is always a feeling that something is missing, something different, when that person disappears from the landscape. Such is the case for those who passed by and knew Peter Bis, a homeless man who spent his days close to Union Station and Capitol Hill.

Read about Peter Bis and the lives he touched in the Washington Post.

And though Peter was not part of our Georgetown community, there are many individuals just like him who are. Whether it’s the quiet man with the cane outside of the Foggy Bottom metro during the evening commute or the skinny guy hanging out inside Starbucks, these people are part of our community and there, rain or shine. Next time you pass by, why not take a moment to make eye contact and say hello.

Categories: In the Press

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