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Georgetown Ministry Center Georgetown Ministry Center
August 6, 2012

Last week, we posted about Judy’s new apartment. She is settling in wonderfully in her furnished apartment, but she could use some help acquiring some basics, such as bedsheets. We’ve put together a wish list with Judy, and she would greatly appreciate any help in acquiring these simple items! If you are able to help her out, please call Stephanie or Roy at 202-338-8301 or bring donations to GMC Monday-Friday between 8am and 5pm.

Judy’s Wish List

  • bed sheets (full) and a blanket
  • dishes (bowl, plate, mug) and silverware
  • a sponge, dish soap, and a dishtowel
  • all-purpose cleaner (like Fantastik or 409)
  • 4 lightbulbs

Categories: Help, Needs, Success Stories

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