George was homeless for so many years he stopped counting. Born in Aiken, South Carolina in 1957, he bounced around on the east coast and either slept in shelters or on park benches for most of his adult life. He said it was rough, but he endured and relied on his faith to get him through. Everything changed for him when help came from Georgetown Ministry Center and our collaborator, Miriam’s Kitchen. GMC and Miriam’s Kitchen’s case managers helped George get the proper documentation to receive a housing voucher from the city. Now George no longer has to hurry to homeless shelters each afternoon hoping there is still space for him. This summer he moved into his very own apartment!
“It’s a beautiful place. Hardwood floors, fantastic atmosphere and a panoramic view of the city,” George said, beaming ear to ear. The affordable senior apartment building that George calls home opened in June 2016 and he loves everything about it. He said the lobby is as glamorous as one you would find in a nice hotel. He is enjoying his television set, his comfortable bed and the kitchen. He said he no longer has to worry about safety or lack of sleep and he gets to enjoy one of his favorite hobbies. “I love to cook and am thankful for all the donations that filled this kitchen and the rest of the place up.”
“I feel really proud to have a place like this to call home. It’s a good feeling and is really a blessing,” George said. In fact he is so grateful, he said he even enjoys and takes pride in polishing the furniture. Since moving into housing George has kept in touch with GMC and helps clean the center every Friday afternoon. He is determined to find a job and often asks GMC staff and volunteers for help with his resume and job applications. He is also making plans for his granddaughter’s birthday: cake, ice cream and, of course, a tour of his new home.