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Georgetown Ministry Center Georgetown Ministry Center
October 12, 2017

Today construction on Georgetown Ministry Center’s renovation has officially begun! While the Center will be closed for the next few weeks, we will have a daily check-in area located in a tent outside of the Center entrance from 9:30-11:30am Monday-Friday. Guests are welcome and encouraged to stop by for coffee, food donations, and to receive mail, toiletries, socks, etc!

Listed below are the schedules & locations of alternative options for showers and laundry during our renovations:

Mondays and Tuesdays (St. John’s Church, 3240 O St, NW)
Number of Showers: 4
Loads of Laundry: 1

Thursdays and Fridays (Christ Church, 3116 O St, NW)
Number of Showers: 2
Loads of Laundry: 1

We will provide information with additional resources as they become available!

Categories: Uncategorized


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