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Georgetown Ministry Center Georgetown Ministry Center
April 20, 2020

On the 23rd of March, we posted that we would be closed until the 29th of March at the least. Unfortunately, we have made the difficult decision to remain closed until further notice. This decision was made for the safety of our guests, our staff, and our Georgetown community.

If you would like to support GMC during this challenging time, financial donations will provide the most flexibility in addressing our most pressing needs.  You can click here to make a financial contribution online by clicking HERE. Or you can mail a donation to: Georgetown Ministry Center, 1041 Wisconsin Ave., Washington DC, 20007. If you would like to donate items, we would ask you to support us through in-kind donations of items in short supply such as hand sanitizer, gloves and masks for when we do re-open the center.  You can visit our Amazon Wish list page HERE.

We thank you for your support now more than ever, and look forward to our reopening as soon as it is safe.

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