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Georgetown Ministry Center Georgetown Ministry Center

Category: Services

There are 9 posts in this category.

April 16, 2012

Last Friday, several GMC guests walked from our center to Georgetown University’s campus for our weekly Friday afternoon movie. The Corp, Georgetown University’s student-owned and operated business, provided a wonderful lunch to accompany the movie Rolemodels, which was projected onto a big screen. It was great to see students and guests enjoying conversations ranging from homelessness to politics to celebrity news.

Our guests greatly appreciated the food, company, and the big screen. What a great change of pace for us! Thank you to all the students from the Corp, and especially to Eric Cheng, who organized the entire event for us.

April 12, 2012

Last night, students from The Gathering, a Georgetown University student-led ministry group, came to Georgetown Ministry Center and shared pizza, music, and worship with our guests. The center was packed and alive with laughter and conversation, followed by music, singing, and a worship service.

The students came with TWENTY pizzas and dozens of cookies, as well as a guitarist who belted out songs like “Amazing Grace.” It was so wonderful to have The Gathering provide dinner and excellent company. We applaud The Gathering for their enthusiasm and support.

March 29, 2012

On Wednesday night at 7pm, Georgetown students in The Gathering, a college ministry group on campus, prepared a wonderful meal for GMC guests and friends. Salad, multiple trays of lasagna, a selection of salad dressing, beverages, and cookies– these students provided tons of food and even better camaraderie and conversation.

These Georgetown students approached GMC a few months ago with a big desire to help and become involved. They planned the dinner, made the flyer, and invited our guests to share their space on campus for dinner. Conversations ranged from music and movies to stories of acts of kindness and lessons learned from living on the street.

It was a relaxed, wonderful evening and we cannot wait to see what these students have planned for us next! We thank them for their enthusiasm and support.

March 15, 2012

This week Students from Jackson State University visited Georgetown Ministry Center to learn about homelessness first hand.  Roy took a group out on Monday to see where people sleep on the street.  Today Gunther took another group out.  We seem to be developing a curriculum on homelessness.  We visited sites where homeless people lived but avoided going into spaces where homeless people were at the time.  Students had an opportunity to see the conditions homeless people live under on our streets.  An exchange student from Yemen said that he had thought that everyone in the US was rich and wondered why the government didn’t do something about it.  Were it that simple.

They were great!  We really enjoyed having them.

Categories: Events, Services


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