At Georgetown Ministry Center, we have so much to be thankful for. Our community of guests, staff, volunteers, and donors are amazing, and we would not be who we are without them. In past years, Thanksgiving Day at GMC has usually been pretty low key; we’ve always been open, but have saved the feasting for other days that week. This year, our Program Coordinator, Beau Stiles, and his amazing family cooked an entire Thanksgiving dinner for all of the guests in our center!

Beau, his wife Corinna, and daughter Cora served sixty-five guests on Thanksgiving in our tiny center. If you think you slaved away in the kitchen making Thanksgiving dinner, wrap your head around this: Corinna cooked the following from scratch: 3 turkeys, 21 pounds of mashed potatoes, 21 pounds of candied yams, a huge amount of cornbread stuffing, 9 pounds of green beans, 9 pounds of sweet corn, gravy, 6 dozen rolls, 8 dozen cookies, and pumpkin cheesecake coco marscapone swirl bars!

Beau later told the rest off staff:
Each day I get so much from the people we provide services to and I am grateful. As such, my family is supportive of what I do and the cause, so it was a natural fit. This was a token of my (and my family’s) appreciation. Thank you for allowing us to do is. It was incredibly meaningful to us all, and perhaps our most meaningful thanksgiving to date.
We really enjoyed our day. We did not go home and celebrate, as the Thanksgiving at the center was our Thanksgiving as well. After all, that’s what the day is all about… coming together and sharing. I am most thankful to be somewhere that brings this out in my family and I, and allows for us to do something like this, independent of the organization. We are truly blessed. We are already contemplating next year!
Thank YOU, Beau, for giving so much to GMC. We are so lucky to have such dedicated staff.