Opportunity Lost
We made a mistake. An oversight has resulted in Georgetown Ministry Center being left out of the United Way and Combined Federal Campaign this year. To those who have given through the United Way and CFC in the past, we thank you so much for your past support. It is still possible to write in Georgetown Ministry Center the United Way campaign. We will be a part of the United Way and CFC again next year, but in the meantime ask for your continued support. Georgetown Ministry Center’s Executive Director, Gunther Stern, would be happy to chat with anyone about the United Way and other ways to give.
Opportunity Gained
Though we lost the United Way and CFC this year, we are happy to announce a new giving opportunity through the International Monetary Fund’s Helping Hands Campaign. If you are an IMF employee or know someone who is, please let them know that Georgetown Ministry Center is now part of the Helping Hands campaign.
With the HHC, 100% of every dollar donated will go to the designated organization, plus a 50% matching grant from the Fund up to $5,000.
The IMF’s Helping Hands Campaign runs from September 16, 2013 to November 15, 2013, and donations can be made by check or payroll deduction. All pledges must be made by November 15, and all checks must be received by November 22, 2013 to be eligible for a US tax deduction in 2013. For more information, please contact Stephanie Chan, Communications Director at GMC, or find it on the IMF website.
Upcoming Opportunities
We are still part of the World Bank’s Community Connections Fund, which will take place during November and December this year. As the time gets closer, we will release more information and details. The World Bank typically matches 50% of donations, although in some strong giving years, the World Bank Community Connections Fund has matched 100% of donations! We have had great support in the past from friends at the World Bank and encourage World Bank employees to help us grow this way.

The Catalogue for Philanthropy named Georgetown Ministry one of the best small non-profits in the greater DC area in 2013-2014. Around November 1, the Catalogue for Philanthropy will list us in their print and online materials detailing opportunities to give through CFP and volunteer at GMC. We will have a celebration later in the year to honor this achievement and encourage participation in any form. If you are not an IMF or World Bank employee and would like to give through an organization, you might consider doing so through the Catalogue for Philanthropy.