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Georgetown Ministry Center Georgetown Ministry Center

Latest News

December 16, 2011

Georgetown Ministry Center is very excited to announce our new partnership with Recoup, the first online marketplace connecting people with the brands they like and the causes they care about, like GMC.  And, it’s based right here in Georgetown!

What is Recoup?

Recoup is similar to Groupon or LivingSocial and allows you to purchase great deals from local or national merchants, and then automatically donates a percentage of your purchase to us. What’s cool about Recoup is that you can also choose to increase that donation by converting more of your savings through a tax-deductible donation. Want to read more about how it works? You can on Recoup’s website.

How do I sign up?

You can click here to sign up and support us on Recoup. If we can reach 100 supporters on Recoup by the end of the year, Recoup will double donations to us!

So what kind of offers does Recoup have?

Check out this offer for Il Canale and enjoy delicious Neapolitan food in Georgetown! It’s a great way to support the local community! We hope many of you will take advantage of the offers Recoup will have to offer.

Recoup: Buy what you like. Save what you want. Support what you love.

Categories: What's New


December 15, 2011

Here at GMC, we have several guests whose native language is not English, and we do our best to learn at least “hello” and “goodbye” in their language. We have a few guests who are deaf and use sign language to communicate, and so it follows that we should learn the basics in ASL.

On December 14, Carlos, one of our members, taught a sign language class in our center, which is hopefully the first of many. Watch the videos above for an excerpt from his lesson!

Categories: Programming

December 6, 2011

Have you ever had questions about what mental health services are available for the homeless?

The West End Library is hosting an information session where you can hear from the Office of Homeless Services and DC Department of Mental Health. Feel free to swing by on Thursday, December 8 at 11am and learn more about what services they provide!

Categories: Events, Uncategorized

December 5, 2011

Today, we received a small box of socks in the mail, courtesy of a former Grace Church parishioner who now lives in Colorado. Our supporters are so amazing and thoughtful, even when they are far away. Thank you!!!

Categories: Needs, Success Stories


December 2, 2011

Why is there a picture of a toilet on our blog?

You may be wondering why I am posting a picture of a toilet on our blog. Fifteen minutes ago, the toilet in that picture was clogged up and icky. Now, it is back in order and sanitized, thanks to two of our amazing members who grabbed the plunger out of my hands and worked on the toilet together.

It is the little things like this that make me so happy to be a part of Georgetown Ministry Center.

Categories: Success Stories

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