Dear Gunther, Malini, Nathan, and Roy,
As always, GMC was an inspiration for both my students and for me. Thanks so much to all of you for your flexibility, openness, and your wise teaching. Your modeling and your guidance was easily “read” by the students—from Gunther’s and Roy’s initial introduction, to Nathan’s and Malini’s balance of seriousness and humor in the face of such challenges, and including the candor and insight of the group at St. Luke’s Shelter. The walks with all of you, and the dinner with the men at St. Lukes, taught the groups new lessons in human pain and dignity, failure and recovery. Please pass along our appreciation too Saed’s team as well. (I don’t have his contact information).
Although the experience of homelessness is a distant reality for many young people to understand, it was clear that the messages reached the students deeply. The experience was life changing for many of the group. There is a wonderful blog with some great pictures.
Until next time—all the best on your continuing remarkable work!
Ellen Pechman