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Georgetown Ministry Center Georgetown Ministry Center

Tag: poetry

There are 6 posts with this tag.

January 9, 2013

Recently, we asked our members, staff, volunteers, and friends to pen a poem about Georgetown Ministry Center’s work and mission. The original reason was actually for a grant that would be awarded to the organization with the best poem, but this little project turned into something wonderful.

Today and for the next few Mondays, we will be publishing the poems we received, which were written by both GMC members and staff. Check back here next Monday for the next poem, or read it on our Facebook page! You will be able to read all of the poetry blog entries if you search by tag for “poetry.”

This first poem was written by Ms. Kathalene.

GMC is a one-stop shop service center.
When you start to attend you do not want to stop.
There is plenty to do, and people to meet
Not to mention all of the food to eat.
Many games are played, while clothes get washed.
Showers, computers, and donations are available each day
Which makes it hard to stay away.
There are meetings each week to suit your need,
Even doctors are there for your medical and psychiatric cares.
If there is any place better we cannot tell
Because, each day GMC doors are open, there are not any vacant chairs.
Several classes are taught through the week of a different sort.
With all the things going on at GMC, no one comes up short.

Categories: What's New


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